Making Friends Along the Way

Do you ever return from a trip and think to yourself how it was so much more than you expected? Not necessarily because the hotel was clean or the view was great but because of the people you meet and spend time with.

One of the things I enjoy most about traveling is meeting people and making new friends. It's true wherever I go, whether I'm overseas or only a couple hundred miles away. I especially appreciate the friendliness of others when I'm traveling alone.

On my last trip I met a group of gentlemen from all over the world - Italy, Germany and USA. We all ended up having dinner one night together, talking about travel and other interests. It felt like getting together with old friends even though we had only recently met. In fact, while we were lingering after our late dinner, the owner of the restaurant decided to come over and play some music for us! It was such a memorable experience - delicious meal, new friends and great conversation. So much more meaningful than sitting at some place with so-so food and filled with tourists.

You may be surprised how much you have in common with someone sitting near you so if you see someone that looks a bit lonely, don't be afraid to strike up a conversation!



Story by Dionne Foote